There will NEVER be enough that could be done to make amends for ANY past from ANYONE's perspective. There is NEVER ANY JUSTICE IN THIS LIFETIME. That's just a fact. I have been RAPED myself personally and I dont have ANY hate or anger or bitterness or resentment toward the men who did that to me. I have bled from sexual abuse. I have been physically abused to the point of having SCARS for the rest of my life and a broken ear drum, and I am not carrying around anywhere near as much hatred and anger as other people with injustices they feel are.

Find your own way to live in appreciation for all that you DO have instead of hating the country you DO live in and the people who are in your life.

It's simply never ok to live with unforgiveness in your heart, and it is hurting you as much as it is destroying all of your interactions with others and this world you ARE living in.

I am very sorry that you feel slighted for an injustice, but this lifetime will NEVER see justice for ANYTHING. look around you. You KNOW that is Truth.

Hatred in your heart will give you Cancer and eat away at your own soul, so it should never be perpetuated and fed on a daily basis. It is very unhealthy for you.

Perpetuating violence is 100% totally unacceptable for ANY reason. 2 and 200 wrongs will never make a right. Violence begets violence begets violence as a destructive cycle that can't ever be constructive.

Change the cycle and begin healing and repairing the damage inside yourself where it CAN change and heal. You literally cannot change the circumstances of things that already happened.

When the milk gets spilled, beating someone for it will never unspill the milk. You just have to pour another glass of milk and if that was the last of it, then you have to just move on and get more milk because you cannot unspill the milk no matter how much you rage about it.

You simply have to adjust to accept that you have no control over this universe. if you don't accept life and people and things that happen, you will be in a constant state of high red alert freaking out about everything all the time and that is very very unhealthy for you.

Come to Peace and KNOW that justice will get served on a silver platter by the universe and our Creator when the time is right.

Fighting the universe will never help you.

This, in the right now, is the time to learn to BE Peace 24/7/365.

There's nothing truer than this I have said.